Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Heart's Unlimited Memory Space

Heart’s Unlimited Memory Space

“What the heart has once owned and had, it shall never lose”

- Henry Beecher –

When we lost someone precious to us and there’s no chance to get it back, we started to ask ourselves why it had to happen, is it destined to be lost or is it our fault that we have lost it. It is not easy to let go or move on after we had lost it, we still try our best to get it back or try to fix it but we just ended up disappointed for we cannot bring it back to our grip. It was gone and we have to give up. Letting go of something or someone very dear to us is a tough job because it demands strong will power and determination to do it. Just a mere thought of those memories we’ve had with that someone, make us want more and make us more miserable than ever. Letting go doesn’t mean you have to totally forget that someone, it’s just letting go of all the bitterness, hatred, disappointments, and bad memories.

Don’t let our hearts be ruined by sad and distressing memories and experiences. Fill it with love and also fill it with hope that someday the right person will come along. It will take its place in our hearts together with the other memories we’ve had before and we will find ourselves fulfilled and satisfied because we had overflowing love and happiness in our hearts.

Just don’t stop believing, and don’t get tired of loving for our hearts have an unlimited memory space that never runs out of space to new memories that we want to store. Remember good memories far outweighs those bad ones and come to think of it, its healthier to think only those good ones rather than the bad ones and it can keep us from aging. Our hearts are capable of bearing anything so let’s fill it with hope, happiness, and most especially fill it with “love”. For Henry Beecher has once said “What the heart has once owned and had, it shall never lose.”

Is it a fling or Is it the Real Thing?

Is It a Fling or Is It the Real Thing

There are some relationships that grow because of true love and some didn’t even last long for they do just fooling around and not love each other seriously. But how would we know if what we feel towards the person we are with, is what they called the “real thing” or just another of what they called a “fling”?

I have asked some of my friends about it and I am quite surprised by their answers for it express out some of their personalities out. Here are few of them:

* “When you are sure of what you feel and you can be completely honest with each other. When you can accept each other’s flaws and imperfections. A fling is something you have with someone you don’t know very well, someone you don’t even plan to get to know more. If it’s just a fling you’ll find it easy to forget about that person because whatever you had with that person don’t mean anything to you.”

* “I know it’s the real thing when I always make the most of our time together. If she’s happy then I am happy as well and she feels bad I feel the same way. If its just a fling I won’t bother to think what she was feeling because there’s nothing there or there’s no special connection between us.”

* “It is easy to fall for someone you’re physically attracted to. I guess a fling is a relationship with someone you don’t know very well. If it’s easy to forget or replace that person then it’s just a fling but when I keep on scribbling her name on my notebook, when I can’t stop thinking about her and when I can’t stand not seeing her or talking to her then I know I’m in love.”

* “I know it’s the real thing when I get so overprotected to her. It’s like I will make everything’s ok for her. I don’t want anyone or anything harms her, and when I know I can commit myself. If it’s just a fling I just want her as a front especially if my friends have their girlfriends with them when we hangout. I don’t even miss when she’s not around, it’s like I want be with her if I want to or if I just feels like it. In short I’m just playing. I can get easily turned off and when I like her for shallow and superficial reasons.”

Well based on these answers I can say that having a fling is just to have fun in your life without committing yourself. There’s no heart involved more on self-pleasing and just for leisure. Some of them know it’s real if they started acting strange like they do something they had not usually doing before. They become so occupied by the thinking the other person and began longing for them. They start to think themselves less. They find a reason to smile and it also creates a drive to do something they want. It gives them inspiration.

* For my own opinion, I know it’s the real thing when I missed him when he’s not around and when it feels like I want to stop the time whenever were together. Just the mere thought of how he treats me special, sends butterflies in my stomach and makes my heart beating fast. It’s when I can’t stand not seeing him. It’s when I can’t imagine myself with someone rather than him. If it’s just a fling you can’t feel any of this, there’s nothing special, everything so ordinary. When it’s just ok with you even though he’s not around and with somebody else. Actually I haven’t experience having a fling because for me if I’m not sure of what I feel is real, I will not commit myself for I don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings

I Love You

I Love You

I love you,

Not only for what you are

But for what I am

When I am with you

I love you,

Not only for what

You have made of yourself

But for what you are making of me

I love you

For the part of me that you bring out;

I love you for putting your hand

Into my heaped-up heart

And passing over

All the foolish, weak things

That you can’t helped dimly seeing there,

And for drawing out into the light

All the beautiful belongings

That no one else had looked

Quite far enough to find

I love you because you

Are helping me to make

Of the lumber of my life

Not a tavern, but a temple

Out of works, of my everyday

Not a reproach, but a song

I love you

Because you have done

More than any creed could have done

To make me good

And more than any fate could have done

To make me happy

You have done it,

Without a touch, without a word

Without a sign

You have done it

By being yourself

Perhaps that is what being a friend means

After all.

Love Is....

Love Is…

Love is

Being happy for the person when they are happy

Being sad for the person when they are sad

Being together in good times

And being together in bad times

Love is the source of strength

Love is

Being honest with yourself at all times

Being honest with the other person at all times

Telling, listening, respecting the truth

And never pretending

Love is the source of reality

Love is

An understanding that is so complete that

You feel as if you are part of the other person

Accepting the other person just the way they are

And not trying to change them to be something else

Love is the source of unity

Love is

The freedom to pursue

Your own desires

While sharing your experiences with the other person

The growth of one individual alongside of

And together with the growth of another individual

Love is the source of success

Love is

The excitement of planning things together

The excitement of doing things together

Love is the source of the future

Love is

The fury of the storm

The calm in the rainbow

Love is the source of passion

Love is

Giving and taking in daily situation

Being patient with each other’s needs and desires

Love is the source of sharing

Love is

Knowing that the other person will always

Be with you regardless of what happens

Missing the other person when they are away

But remaining near in heart at all times

Love is the source of security

Love is the

Source of life

-Susan Polis Schutz-

i love you more than love

I Love You More Than “Love”

It is impossible to capture in words

The feelings that I have for you

They are the strongest feeling that

I have ever had about anything

Yet when I try to tell you them

Or try to write them to you

The words do not even begin to touch

The depths of my feelings

And though I cannot explain the essence

Of these phenomenal feelings

I can tell you what I feel like

When im with you

When im with you it is as if

I were a bird

Flying freely in the clear blue sky

When I am with you it is as if

I were a flower

Opening up my petals of life

When I am with you it is as if

I were the waves of the ocean

Crashing strongly against the shore

When I am with you it is as if

I were the rainbow after the storm

Proudly showing its colors

When I am with you it is as if

Everything that is beautiful surrounds us

This is just a very small part of how wonderful

I feel when I am with you

Maybe the word “love” was invented to explain

The deep, all-encompassing feelings

that I have for you

but somehow it is not strong enough

but since it is the best word that there is

let me tell you a thousand times that

I love you more than


If only you could be me for a moment

If Only You Could Be Me for a Moment

Sometimes I wish

You could step in my shoes

For just a little while…

To think what I think;

To see what I see;

To feel what I feel;

To understand the confusion,

The fear, the admiration, and

The friendship I feel toward you…

All at once.

If you were able to live

Inside my mind, even for a moment,

You would see that my world is

Filled with so many responsibilities,

Yet so often my thoughts are of you.

You would see what joy

You’ve brought to my life

You would see how much it means to me

To be able to smile, to laugh,

To feel good, to feel free,

Like a child…..

Just because of you

If you had a chance to take

The smallest glimpse inside of me,

You would see gratitude and respect….

Respect not to only for what

You are making of yourself

But also for what you are helping me to be

And you would see how much all of that means to me

But the thing that would

Strike you most…

If ever you had the chance to be me….

Would be all the love I feel for you.

And once you felt it,

You would always remember it,

And you would understand that,

Although I am not always able to express it

Or explain its depth or importance to me,

It’s always there…..inside of me…